Kath & Phil Walton Family History - most were born in North Staffs and South Cheshire
We have nearly 20,000 names in our tree. However in order to protect privacy we have excluded the names of anyone born after 1993 and excluded day and month information for all entries. Please email if you would like further information. We would love to hear from anyone who is connected with our family or is just interested in what we are doing.
We always try to check and record original sources. In a few cases we have used information from other researchers we know to be reliable, also SOME ENTRIES MAY BE ASSUMTIONS - OUR NOTES EXPLAIN THESE IN DETAIL - PLEASE DO NOT COPY INFORMATION WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING AT SOURCE.
We believe that all the information here is within the public domain and we are happy to share it with others but ask that you check with us before copying. Unconfirmed details have been copied from us in the past that has since been proved to be in error. This information has been posted on websites like ancestry and genesreunited and is sometimes incorrect or unconfirmed.
Our personal website gives more details about many of the names in our tree, please take a look:
Thank you for your interest.